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What is the difference between high molecular weight and low molecular weight polyacrylamide

2023-03-30 16:25:12

Molecular weight is an important indicator to measure polyacrylamide, the type is also from 3 million to 30 million, where is the difference between high molecular weight and low molecular weight, why to distinguish is a lot of people do not know, read the following you will understand:

The difference between high and low molecular weight
6-12 million molecular weight is a low molecular weight, mainly used as a dispersant, can be uniform dissolution and sedimentation condensation.
12-18 million molecular weight belongs to neutral molecular weight, mainly used as dry strength agent, usually used in paper mills;
18-30 million molecular weight belongs to high molecular weight, mainly used as thickening agent, mainly used in oil fields, incense making, gum making and other industries, the most widely used.

The distinction of solubility
The higher the molecular weight, the lower the solubility, the greater the viscosity, according to different water quality using high, low and different molecular weight.

Price differentiation
The higher the molecular weight, the more expensive the price, more than 25 million molecular weight basic need to import to buy, but a lot of sewage is not used, unless some special sewage, so generally do not use import, waste resources do not say, but also a waste of money.

Utilization differentiation
On the market, the general molecular weight of polyacrylamide is the most widely used, followed by low molecular weight, and finally high quality, why? The above price distinction has indicated the reason, no more to say.

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