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Anionic polyacrylamide flocculant

2023-06-16 11:37:51


There are many water treatment materials, anionic polyacrylamide can choose Yurun sea source polyacrylamide. Polyacrylamide anion number – Polyacrylamide has the characteristics of anionic polyacrylamide, but also has the characteristics of COD. Various salts have different degrees of hydrolysis at the same temperature and concentration. The weaker the weak acid or base produced by hydrolysis, the greater the degree of hydrolysis. Polyacrylamide as an additive, the commonly used inorganic flocculants are aluminum salts and iron salts, such as polyferric sulfate and polyaluminum chloride.

The choice of polyacrylamide in gelatin wastewater treatment requires taking water samples for testing, selecting a more suitable polyacrylamide model, and then testing on the machine to determine the dosage. Coal mine polyacrylamide is generally used for anionic polyacrylamide, and sometimes for cationic polyacrylamide and non-ionic polyacrylamide, which needs to be determined according to sewage quality.

Granular polyacrylamide flocculants cannot be added directly to sewage. Before use, it needs to be dissolved in water and treated with an aqueous solution. When using polyacrylamide to treat drinking water, it can improve the flocculation effect, overcome the floating of flocculation in the drying process, save coagulant consumption, reduce water purification costs, improve water quality, remove chroma, organic matter and algae, and reduce mutations.

After the flocculant aqueous solution is added to the suspension, the formed flocculant will be destroyed if it is stirred vigorously for a long time. BOD is the amount of oxygen that aerobic microbes need to break down organic matter in water. It reflects the organic quality of biodegradation in water under aerobic conditions. If these organics are precipitated and removed, BOD will be reduced.


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